Offline install SupremeRAID driver(Ubuntu)#

Offline install SupremeRAID driver(Ubuntu)#


RAID Model: SR1000 or SR1010, SR1001
Host Hardware: Intel, AMD
Operating System: Linux Deb base(Ubuntu)


When users need to install the SupremRAID driver but cannot connect to the external network.


  1. Prepare an environment with SupremeRAID card and have internet access.

  2. Pre-setup, and download the pre-installer package from Graid's website
    #dpkg -l | awk '/^ii/ {print $2, $3}' > pre-setup.txt
    #wget <pre-installer package>
  3. Run pre-installer and ensure the pre-installer is running correctly
    bash graid-sr-pre-installer-1.5.0-*

  4. Post-setup
    dpkg -l | awk '/^ii/ {print $2, $3}'> post-setup.txt
    sort pre-setup.txt -o pre-setup.txt
    # sort  post-setup.txt -o post-setup.txt
    comm -13 pre-setup.txt post-setup.txt > required_installed.txt
    cat required_installed.txt | awk '{print $1}' >
    mkdir required_installed/
    # cp required_installed/ &&  cd required_installed/
    # while read line; do sudo apt-get download $line; done <
    # rm -rf && cd ..
    # tar -czvf required_install.tar.gz required_installed/
    Copy the "required_install.tar.gz" file to user's offline environment

  5.  At the offline environment, put all the required package like pre-installer, driver, and required_install.tar.gz into the offline environment.
  6. Installation
    #tar -zxvf required_install.tar.gz
    #cd required_installed/
    #apt install ./*
    #bash graid-preinstaller

  7. After reboot the system, execute the SupremeRAID driver:
    #bash graid-sr-installer-1.5.0-*-*-*.run

  8. Active the service by apply the license key
    # sudo graidctl apply license [license key]

    Note: Replace [license key] with the card's license key.