Creating a new case: Information required

Creating a new case: Information required


All cases


Gathering enough data to be able to assess cases without resorting to multiple repeat communications to obtain diagnostic information.


When creating a new case and be able to provide the fastest, most accurate assessment without having to go re-engage to provide additional information, we should have have the following information up front:

1. Contact information
This includes company name, first and last name of the primary case-holder, e-mail and telephone number.

2. Provenance
Where was the SupremeRAID product purchased from? Did it come as part of an integrated solution? Is this a purchase or a POC? 

3. Collect information about the product and the system that it's going into.
The following information is mandatory in order for us to understand the environment and any problems troubleshooting installation and operation:

      SupremeRAID model number. (or specify if using software only) eg: SR1000, SR1010
      SupermeRAID license number and type. (command: graidctl describe license)
      Card Serial number. (back of card or command: nvidia-smi --query-gpu=name,index,serial --format=csv)
      SupremeRAID software version. eg: 1.5.0-x - the sub-version/release is important.
      NVDIA driver. (command: nvidia-smi)
      Server manufacturer. eg: Supremicro, ASUS, etc
      CPU platform (Family and model if possible). eg: Intel Tiger Lake xxxx, Milan Epyc xxxx (command: inxi)*
      Amount and type of DRAM in the system. eg: DDRx, 3200 (command: inxi) *
      Other PCI cards in the system. eg: GPU video card, RAID controller (command: lspci)
      OS version: Distribution, release and kernel version if possible. (cat /proc/version)
      Intended Application.

* will need to install: sudo apt install inxi

4. Initial Install vs. Developing Problem
Has the problem has always existed in the current system. If not, when did it become evident that there was an issue? What are the symptoms? What are the consequences if this is not resolved in a timely fashion? 

5. Check the existing knowledge base for articles.
There is a chance that your issue may already be documented and a solution identified.

6. Collect system and software logs.
Graid Technologies provides log collection scripts for both Windows and Linux. Please download and run the appropriate script - which will create a ZIP file that can then be uploaded as part the case. Instructions on how to do this can be found:
Include attachments as part of the case in Zoho.

7. Provide regular updates
If additional information becomes available, please let the Graid Technologies agent know what new developments have occurred. This is best done by adding notes to the case.

8. Once resolved, close out the case.
Once the issue has been resolved, please inform your Graid Technologies agent that the issue has been solved or update the case so we can close out the issue and mark it as resolved.